Monday, December 18, 2006

The Mission

Today I had the honour of meeting Lisa who is in the process of adopting her second child from China. We both want to lose weight before we travel to China to receive our daughters and we decided a fun project would be to walk the length of the Great Wall of China in order to lose weight, not literally but figuratively. We will be walking on treadmills, elliptical trainers, sidewalks, malls, wherever we can move to get the job done!

The Great Wall of China is 6,352 km long. It takes approximately 2,000 steps for one kilometre. It would be very tough for one person to accomplish this goal so we are combining our efforts. We will log in our mileage as it's completed and remove it from the goal.

If anybody would like to join us, just let us know and we can add you to the group. Hopefully if we get enough people we will be able to get all the way across and back.